Awaited Al-Mahdi
Al-Mahdi was the title of Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Hasan bin Hasan bin Ali, who initially led a revolt against the Banu Umayyah in Medina. The Banu Abbas pledged their support to him, promising him the future role of Caliph. In support of Al-Mahdi’s rebellion, his followers fabricated various narrations. However, following the fall of the Umayyad dynasty, the Banu Abbas betrayed the Banu Hasan. Instead of appointing Al-Mahdi as the new Caliph, they pursued him. This betrayal led Muhammad bin Abdullah to go into hiding, eventually emerging to declare another revolt. He was killed in 145 AH. Despite his death, some lenient scholars included narrations about Al-Mahdi in their works, leading to confusion among later generations.